We help local communities achieve better, healthier rivers for people and nature.

Our vision is to help local communities achieve better, healthier rivers for people and nature.
BRF seeks to turn innovation into river restoration through advocacy, consultancy, education, and the development of economic incentives, including co-participation mechanisms and crowdfunding.
One key objective of BRF is the development of the Blue Rivers Flag award as a mechanism to recognize and incentivize river restoration.
We need healthy rivers because for two billion people, they are the only source of drinking water
Rivers and their floodplains rank among some of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, but provide also some of the most valuable services to society.
One of the main impacts on rivers is the fragmentation caused by artificial barriers to free flow, BRF thus places a special emphasis on the restoration of river integrity and fluvial connectivity in its various dimensions.
BRF has the know-how, resources and vision to deliver the paradigm shift necessary to reverse the loss biodiversity and begin to heal Europe’s broken rivers, making them better for people and Nature.
Here's an overview of the current projects we are working on.

- Carlos Garcia de Leaniz , BSc, PhD
- Chair in Aquatic BioSciences
- Director, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research
- Swansea University
- Department of BioSciences
- Singleton Campus
- Swansea SA2 8PP UK

Stefano has experience in managing multi-sector organisations and he led several teams and projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle-East. He is very passionate about ecosystem conservation and restoration in general, and of rivers in particular.

- Jesse O’Hanley, BSc, MSc, PhD
- Professor of Environmental Systems Management
- Associate Dean of Research & Innovation
- Kent Business School

Together we work towards pristine river ecosystems
Registration number: 86329553
© Blue Rivers Foundation 2025